About the agent


Even as I am still young, my life has been full of adventure. Born and raised in Sweden, I felt
drawn to Ireland, the green island and my father’s ancestral home. But here I am amid the sun-
kissed vistas of Spain. This journey has gifted me encounters with diverse individuals and
cultures, each adding a new shade of colour to my perspectives and expanding worldview.

Of the many choices that came my way, it was the world of real estate that resonated with my
spirit and truly captured my imagination. In Marbella, at the heart of Costa del Sol, I discovered
a passion for creating connections between dream properties and real people. Witnessing the
excitement and joy of clients as they find their perfect space in this paradise is a fulfilling
experience that I find hard to capture in words.

I am deeply committed to transforming dreams that are brought to me into reality, one property
at a time. With each client I assist, I am reminded of my own journey – a journey to find my place,
not just in the geographical sense, but also in the grander scheme of my life’s rich tapestry.

* Contact me now!


4 Properties - Liam O'Connor

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+34 952 181 433